» » » Beautiful concept architecture of Thu Thiem New Urban Area

VNRE - Our vision for the Thu Thiem New Urban Area is to reflect the colorful, exuberant and multi-faceted atmosphere of Ho Chi Minh City, while weaving both traditional and modern elements to create a contemporary waterfront, bridge and urban plaza.

The new Crescent Park is a mirror of the Saigon River’s water surface, where ripple patterns are magnifi ed and deeply etched along the waterfront, creating a series of undulating sculpted landforms. This monumental earthwork, stretching a distance of two kilometers, is comprised of unique, individually contained spaces, fluidly melding the shoreline with the land.

The Park’s surface is sculpted, scooped and hollowed, providing both intimate garden settings and large spaces for both active and passive recreations. The street and sidewalk is shaded with the familiar but magnificcent and dignified Ficus lyrata. Extensive landscaping also highlights Vietnam’s lush fl ora. The waterfront promenade is accented in layers of delicate Bauhinia purpurea and Plumeria acutifolia, winding through a series of tropical fragrance gardens.

Weaving the land with folklore tales, we refer to “The Story of Tam and Cam”. This magical story is retold in the Secret Garden’s “Fern Well”, where shallow wells are ringed with lush ferns containing gold fish ponds.

Nestled between a Pandanus Grove and the aromatic Ginger Grove is an elongated, undulating landform clad with a skin of diamond-shaped solar panels resembling dragon scales. By day, the scale-like panels rotate with the path of the sun. By night, upon complete rotation, the reverse side of the solar panels transform into a “Nightingale Garden”, fi lling the air with the sweet fragrance of Night Blooming Jasmine. Combined with the woody aroma of burning incense (used as mosquito and insect repellent), and the earthy scent of the river, the winding promenade will turn into a fragrant path with its own aromatic ambience, becoming a romantic evening destination.

Colorful “Glass Beaches” front the river shoreline. A series of steps along waterfront allow access to the floating market, ferry terminal and water taxi station.

Source: Cao | Perrot Studio.

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